Hello!!! I was reading Miss Megan's blog Style Me Swanky and she had a post where you write 11 facts about you and then answer 11 questions!
Here are the rules:
-You must post the Rules
-post 11 fun facts about yourself
-answer the 11 questions that the tagger posted for you & then create 11 questions
-tag 11 people and link them in the post
-let them know you've tagged them
Here we go....
11 Facts
1. I am so excited to graduate!! 92 days, not that I'm counting or anything.
2. I love love love reading blogs. (Style Me Swanky is one of my favs!)
3. I wish I was more creative and could open a bakery....Cupcakes by Claire
4. I peed my pants when I was in Kindergarten...yes you read that right. I peed my pants on the stage. in front of everyone! so embarrassing.
5. I was such a cautious child, when I would meet someone new I would tell my parents, "I don't trust them."
6. My favorite movie is When Harry Met Sally, I cannot explain how much I love that movie!
7. I also love Remember the Titans. "You have 12 brothers and sisters?" "No 8" "Yeah 12 sounds better."
8. I cannot even begin to explain how excited I am to be at arkansas next year! woo pig!
9. I am such a picky eater.
10. I am scared of heights.
11. I can't wait to grow up and have babies!
11 questions
1. If you could raid any celebrities closet, who would it be?
Hmmm! I love Reese Whitherspoon's stlye..it's so classic. Lauren Conrad also has a very timeless style!
2. If you were a shoe what would you be?
Tory Burch Riding Boots:)!
3. What is your biggest pet peeve?
When people cut me off while I'm driving. Ugh!
4. Favorite song of all-time?
Sweet Southern Comfort, by Buddy Jewell!
5. Are you a dog or cat person and why?
Definitely a dog person! I just don't really care for cats.
6. You're a queen for a day. What do you do?
Oh gosh, probably travel around. Buy everything Tory Burch. Eat whatever I want and not feel bad about it!
7. What's the most delicious thing you've ever eaten?
Andy's Frozen Custard Hot Fudge Concrete
8. What scares you the most?
My loved ones dying.
9. Which celebrity do you wish would drift off into obscurity?
I'm going to copy Miss Megan's and say Lindsay Lohan. After the parent trap she went down hill.
10. You're 16 again. What advice would you give yourself?
Have more fun and not be so uptight about everything! I used to worry wayyyy too much!
11. What's your starbucks order?
Strawberries and Creme Frapacino!
YAY! I'm going to tag anyone who reads this:)!! Be sure to let me know so I can read what you say!!
I think LC has such great style too! So effortlessly chic!